Explore the Colourful World of Tibo van de Zand
Welcome to the versatile and colourful world of Tibo van de Zand (1985), an artist whose brushstrokes touch the soul and whose creative expression takes on various forms. As the son of the renowned artist Jits Bakker (1937-2014), he was immersed in the enchanting world of visual arts from a young age. It comes as no surprise that Tibo, following in his father's footsteps, started plein air painting at the age of six, both within his homeland and abroad, always under the watchful eye of his mentor.

Continuing his artistic adventure, he pursued his studies at the Art Academy in Utrecht, where he graduated with honours in 2009, surrounded by the rich history of art and creativity. Besides his passion for painting, Tibo has also developed a special love for sculpting. With the same fervour that guides his brush on canvas, he sculpts figures that make emotions tangible and tell stories without uttering a single word.

Together with Jits Bakker, Tibo had studios in sunny Andalusia and the rugged Ardennes region of Belgium. The undulating, colourful landscapes of southern Spain became a lasting source of inspiration for Van de Zand. Even today, his studio near Málaga is nestled amidst the Mediterranean nature. Much like his father, Tibo views the world around him as his greatest and most inspiring studio, where he moulds the observable reality with enthusiastic use of colours and dynamic brushstrokes.

Tibo's style embraces Fauvism, where he lets colours dance and stories come to life on canvas. A striking example of the dreamlike atmosphere in his work is the oil painting of "La Roche-en-Ardenne." With vibrant colours and an enchanting composition, it transports viewers to another world. This artwork reflects Tibo's ability to capture emotions and imagination in a single brushstroke.

Yet, Tibo also masters the art of omission, as evident in the black-and-white oil painting of "Gibraltar." Purposefully using the power of contrast, he unveils the essence of the subject while leaving room for the viewer's imagination. It is an example of his skill to achieve maximum expression with minimal means.

Tibo's quest for artistic enrichment led him on study trips to witness the works of great modern painting masters. He drew inspiration from artists like Albert Marquet, Henri Matisse, Kees van Dongen, and Raoul Dufy, who exerted a lasting appeal on him. Tibo's journey as an artist encompasses not only his own creations but also the management of his father's extensive body of work. As chairman of the Stichting Jits Bakker Collectie, he proudly carries on the legacy of Jits Bakker and his indelible contribution to the art world.

Take a stroll through the gallery of Tibo van de Zand and let yourself be carried away by his artistic universe, where passion and imagination converge in a palette of emotions and stories.    
2005 – 2009
  • HKU Academy of Arts Utrecht (NL). Faculty Art & Economics
  • Specialization: Visual Art & Design Management / creative entrepreneurship
  • Graduated summa cum laude in June 2009
2003 – 2005
  • HKU Academy of Arts Utrecht (NL)/Faculty Visual Art & Design
  • Specialization: Fine Art
  • Chairman Jits Bakker Foundation (2014 - present)
  • Owner JitsArt (2014 - present)
  • Board member of provinciaal JitsArt museum, De Bilt (2009 - 2015)
  • Artist and Art Economist

  • Art Laren art fair (Laren), June 14th to June 16th, 2024
  • Kunst in de familie, exhibition kunstenaarssociëteit De Kring, Amsterdam (2024)
  • Exhibition De Bilt Town Hall, February 16th to March 29th, 2024
  • Kunstgalerie Hoeve Rijlaarsdam, Nieuwkoop (2023-2024)
  • Kunstgalerie Domo Eclectica, Gouda (2022-2024)
  • Micksart Gallery, Emmen (2022)
  • Art Laren (2022)
  • Galerie Mi, Bilthoven (2022)
  • Museum De Casteelse Poort, City of Wageningen (2021-2022)
  • Freefall, Utrecht (2020)
  • Museum De Casteelse Poort, City of Wageningen (2018-2019)
  • Jits Bakker Foundation De Bilt (2017-present)
  • Galerie Kloosterput Doesburg (2012-present)
  • Furament arttriënnale Tervuren Belgium (2011)
  • Bilderberg hotel Wolfheze (2011 – 2012)
  • Kleyn Hartensteyn (2010)
  • Landgoed Montferland (2010)
  • ‘Europes finest’ Schloss Moyland resort GmbH (2010 – 2012)
  • Bilderberg hotel Wolfheze (2009)
  • Helldorfer Antiquair Rozendaal (2009)
  • Art fair De Bilt (2009)
  • Rijnstate hospital Arnhem (2009)
  • Waterberg Welfare Society, Maarn (2009)
  • Seen Art international (2008)
  • Ilha De Bilt (2008)
  • Chateau L’Affenage. Erezee Belgium (2007-present)
  • Grand hotel Opduin, De Koog-Texel (2005)
  • Dolce castle Vaalsbroek, Vaals (2005)
  • Gallery Hoopman, Amsterdam (2004)
  • Loulé city hall, Portugal (2003)
  • Apollo hotel Amsterdam (2003)
  • Art gallery Hoeve Rijlaarsdam, Nieuwkoop (2003)
  • Coesfeld, Germany (2002)
  • Benalmádena city hall, Spain (2002)



Charity auctions & assignments

  • Stichting Huize Het Oosten, Bilthoven (2022)
  • Historisch Museum De Casteelse Poort, Wageningen (2022)
  • Ronald McDonald foundation (2013)
  • Waterberg Welfare Society, Maarn (2009)
  • UCF, de Lage Vuursche (2007)
  • NOTK, Nijmegen (2007)
  • Alzheimer foundation the Netherlands (2005 / 2006)
  • Hartenzorg foundation, Soestduinen (2004 / 2005 / 2006)
  • Red cross foundation, Kurhaus Scheveningen (2004)